About us

ROGEL Ltd. was founded in 1995 with the aim of offering information services and marketing research in Bulgaria. We are professionals in offering products and systems for business, tourism and end customers, with more than 25 years of experience. Over the years, we have built long-lasting relationships with our partners, which are proof of the quality of the products they offer and the good commercial practice.

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On 03.07.2023, ROGEL Ltd. signed a 6-month contract with an end date of 03.01.2024 for grant-in-aid for the implementation of an investment under procedure BG-PRP-3.005 “Solutions in the field of information and communication technologies and cyber security in small and medium-sized enterprises”, funded by the EU. The purpose of the procedure is to contribute to the acceleration of the transition to digitalization of the economy by providing grants for the implementation of information technologies and solutions that ensure an increase in the level of digitalization of small and medium-sized enterprises. In fulfillment of the procedure, ROGEL Ltd. created a new corporate website https://rogel.biz and an electronic B2B store to it.